I will make a blog one day, currently practicing html and learning. I need time.

Hello, I am the owner of this site. I plan to turn this into a little blog of me taking care of my plush doll and his life as a way to cope with freshmen year. Creating has always been an outlet for me and while I usually make story books I have always wanted a little blog just for me and whatever interests me. I cannot wait to show you all my lil friend aka my plush. It's a little fan-made genshin impact plush doll of a character called Albedo! I've always liked his story and related to him as a character so I got a lil plushie of him and he is now my life and muse. It will likely take a few months before I show the site off as I have edits to make, pixel art to make, html to learn, and I also want to draw out what I want my website to look like before-hand that way I have an idea of what I want. Thank you for reading this if you've gotten here. If you want to talk to me or ask questions or have any suggestions, here is this.


a lil chat-box! I honestly don't really know what I am doing to be honest soo, yeah.